Crown jewels at the Louvre
rue de Rivoli
75001 Paris
+33 1 40 20 50 50
from inside France dial 01 40 20 50 50

Loreal L Oreal Pop Up Store at Cremerie de Paris
Icons of France


The Louvre is the World's largest Museum.
The site is a world famous landmark.
The Site was the residence of the Kings of France
According to the legend a tunnel connected the Palace to Cremerie de Paris

King Philippe Auguste The construction of the Palace started in the 12th century
with King Phillipe Auguste.
TYhe palace was continiously expanded during
the reign of many different Kings of France.
It was established as a Museum in 1793.
President Francois Mitterrand was the last one to change it's landscape
by commanding the Pyramide.

Souvenirs about the Louvre


Louvre on Google Maps

The courtyard of the Louvre

(1,53 min) The Louvre Museum finishes its restoration of the Apollo Gallery