Mont Saint-Michel
The Mont Saint-Michel is a tidal island in Normandy
located 1 km of the coast at the mouth of the Couesnon River near Avranches.
The isalnd is inhabited by 50 people. The highest point is 93 m
with a
circumference of about 960 m.
The 60 houses on the island are protected as Monuments historiques.

The first monastery on the island was constructed in the
8th Century.
According the the legend an Archangel appeared to Aubert, the Bisoph of Avranches (670 - 725)
telling him to build a church on the rock.
Mont St Michel is A Unesco World Heritage site.
It is part of the Department La Manche
which has a very active
Tourist Office
Valerie Le Denthu has organised two magnificent
Pop Up Stores at Cremerie de Paris.
Souvenirs about the Mont Saint-Michel