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Musee des Tissus et des Arts Decoratifs

34 rue de la Charité
69002 Lyon
+33 4 78 38 42 00
from inside France dial 04 78 38 42 00
Musee des

Loreal L Oreal Pop Up Store at Cremerie de Paris
Icons of France

Musee des Tissus

The Musée des Tissus et des Arts Décoratifs
i a landmark in Lyon. The museum decoments the city's long history
as a silk city and tissue producer
The Museum has one af the largest collection of tissues worldwide.

King Philippe Auguste The Museum is locares in two historic Hotel Particuliers (mansions)
One of them, the Hotel de Villeroy has a direct link with Cremerie de Paris
the place from where
and the Whitepages of many other countries are edited.

Hotel de Villeroy belonged to the Villeroy family
who also owned the Hotel de Villeroy Bourbon (VB)
home of Cremerie de Paris.
François de Villeroy (1644 - 1730) who had spend his childhood with Louis XIV
at Cremerie de Paris lived in the Lyon mansion when he was old.

Souvenirs about the Louvre


Musée des Tissus on Google Maps

Entrance of the Museum

(1,39 min) Dessions le nouveau Musée des Tissus