Musee Picasso Paris
5 rue de Thorigny
75004 Paris
+33 1 85 56 00 36
from inside France dial 01 85 56 00 36
Musee Picasso

Loreal L Oreal Pop Up Store at Cremerie de Paris
Icons of France

Picasso Museum

Picasso Museum is a Museum in Paris
dedicated to the Work of the Spanish Artist Pablo Picasso.
The Museum includes more than 5.000 works of art by Picasso
who lived in Paris .
The Site was the residence of the Kings of France
According to the legend a tunnel connected the Palace to Cremerie de Paris

Pablo Picasso The Picasso Museum is located in the Hotel Sale
a historic mansion in Paris constructed between 1656 and 1659.
The Mansion has a historic link with Cremerie de Paris
from where are edited.

1688 lived in the mansion Francois de Villeroy
who as a child lived in the Hotel de Villeroy Bourbon (VB)
where he was often visited by his childhood frien the young King Louis XIV.

1966 Hotel Sale is bought by the city of Paris
with the idea to create a Costume Museum.
The plans change after the death of Picasso
and the idea comes up to create a Picasso Museum.
Many of Picassos paintings are given to the state of France
by his heirs in exchange of inheritage taxes.
1985 opened the Picasso Museum.
1990 more paintings come form his last wife Javqueline Roque.

Souvenirs about the Louvre


Picasso Museum on Google Maps

Courtyard of the Picasso Museum

(2.58 min) Presentation du Musee Picasso Paris