Musee Rodin Meudon
The region of Paris has the chance to have two Rodin Museums.
One is located on rue de Varenne near the Invalides.
The other one is in Meudon, a beautiful city in the west of the French capital

Auguste Rodin (1840 - 1917)
1895 Rodin aquired a house on the heights of Meudon Val Fleury
with a view on the Seine valley.
He called it "La Villa des Brillants".
During the last 20 years of his life the majority of his
creations were made in Medon.
After his death Rodin was buried on his property
which turned into a Museum.
Large amounts of his works and his art collection which included a Van Gogh Painting
were donated to the state of France
Souvenirs about Rodin