Before ... 1990 PTT becomes France Telecom + La Poste

1985 / 1993 The very first Internet Domains

It was alread in 1985, March 15
that was registered the very first .com Internet Domain.

The very furst domain
was registered by a no longer existing Tech company.
The domain was later acquired by Aron Meysted,
a domain entrepreneur
who turned the domain into a Web Museum.
An interesting site to look at.

Only very few Technology corporations
and hi tech individuals,
almost exclusively based in the US
had the idea to register .com Domain names.

It took 10 years until the first Pioneers
of the Internet start become active. Internet Hall of Fame
More about the very early
Domains like, or
in the Internet Hall of Fame
edited by the author of this article.

France Telecom misses
the today extremely valuable Two Letter domain registered 1994 November 30
by the newspaper Financial Times.

The full was registered
a year later 1995 September 14.

Minitel site for Electrica for Sony, today Cremerie de Paris

1993 The very first Internet Cafe in Paris
opens in the historic Postal Building

vb mansion, la Poste

The Whitepages History section
starts in 1671 when Leon Pajot et Louis Rouilé
started the Royal French Posdtal Services
on 9 rue des Dechargeurs ...
Here we are back in the exact same building on 9 rue des Dechargeurs.

vb mansion, la Poste

Opening of the 3rd Sony Boutique
adding a Callback Telephone service
and an Internet Cafe ...

Minitel site for Electrica for Sony, today Cremerie de Paris

  1997 The French Minitel Directory becomes

France Telecom´s rising Internet activities
are reorganised
in the Wanadoo Division,
which includes Internet Access,
France Telecom webportals like Voila or Alphapage
and the Directory Division
ODA (parly still owned by Hachette).

ODA edites printed paper directories (annuaire papier)
and the Minitel Directories now called "Pages Zoom 3611".

Pages Zoom 3611
Pub pour Pages

1996 Wanadoo decides to launch
an internet version of their
very successfull Electronic Minitel Directory 3611. is the first French Phonebook
online since 1997
It is launched under the management of Laurent Souloumiac. becomes the new brand for the Internet Directory
a brand which was chosen as is was already associated
to Minitel Directory 3611 for a short period. exists in two languages
and in several version

There are "Yellow Pages" and "White Pages"
are also "Brand Pages" and Pages Web.

In 1996 Yellow and White Pages
were already an International Standard ....

The expression has been
invented a long long time ago,
back in the late 19th century
during at the time the Eiffel Tower was constructed.

The names
Yellow Pages and White Pages have been
printed on billions of paper phonebooks
all around the world.

Zoom Pages including Yellow Pages & White Pages
Pages Zoom - including Pages Jaunes, Pages Blanches

The french version uses
the franch translation, "Yellow" becomes "Jaune",
"White" becomes "Blanche"

The sections are called
Yellow Pages, White Pages
Brand Pages, Shopping

Pages Jaunes, Pages Blanches,
Pages Marques and Pages Web.

Pages in French
first online
Phonebook in France
Pages in English


Next ... 2004 Registration of
