1990 PTT Laws all over the European Community
In the 1990s all over Europe PTT law passes
From the PTT to France Telecom
The French PTT become - La Poste (postal service and CCP / postal bank) - France Telecom (telephone services) including a participation in ODA (telephone directories jointly owned by France Telecom and Havas) - the regulation office ART. 1990 July 2 France Telecom becomes a corporation with it´s own financial autonomy. 1995 October 25 a new numbering plan is put into place. It creates new capacities for more phone numbers and ajusts the french phonesystem to international standards. Directory Assistance is not affected by these changes. In 1995 France Telecom creates a new brand called Wanadoo. The name was invented by an advertisement agency. 1996 February 11 the domain wanadoo.com is registered.
France Telecom´s rising Internet activities are reorganised in the Wanadoo Division, which includes Internet Access, France Telecom webportals like Voila or Alphapage and the Directory Division ODA (parly still owned by Hachette). |